Transfered from EAP Ideas listIt would be GREAT to allow multiple attachments to be active in the same session... there was only ONE thing to put on that To-...
"Text Editor" window should have a shortcut to Preferences dialog.
"Text Editor" does not have a menu bar with settings but at least it could have a button to open the Preferences dialog (Text category selected) due to most of the options in the Preferences for Text are related to Text Editor such as "Text Editor...
Level Manager Dialog - add "Open Library" and "Open Library in a New session".
MS CE 14 In the Element Templates dialog if we select a library and right-click, the context menu has: Open Library Open Library in a New Session. In the Level Manager dialog, if I select a library and right-click, there are not these options...
I work for many clients and 99% of these are now operating using 2 software houses. Bentley and Autodesk. The cost of Bentley software is extortionate compared to Autodesk In the UK, MicroStation is £7272 per license + £1377 select pa or rental £4...
Improve "Create Complex Chain" and "Create Complex Shape".
Both tools should have a new parameter in its tool settings dialog. This new parameter would be a checkbox "Result attributes from active Attributes". If it is checked then it works as currently but if it is unchecked then it would workd as JOIN (...
Consider adding an option for item types to the element attributes tools.
This idea was brought up in an FDOT training session. Has there been any thought given to adding item types to the match element attributes/change element attributes tools? So if one line/element has an item type attached, you could match that ele...
expose a choice for multiple organization configurations similar to workspace and workset
I have multiple clients that use the organization configuration as well as the workspace and workset. Having the ability to choose these different organization configurations - similar to how workspace and workset - would make it easier to incorpo...
almost 4 years ago
in General
Will not implement
It is very difficult to read a microstation pen table. Figuring out what selectors are turned on/off, then having to change tabs to see what happens to the output. Using a more readable and understanable query builder UI like many apps have adopte...
almost 4 years ago
in General
Will not implement
It would be good to have this option in Bentley View. Typical for large projects to have info stored in multiple formats. Finding stuff is a two step process. 1. Open and view (Bentley View) and see if something is relevant. 2. Open with Mstn or v...
almost 4 years ago
in Collaboration
Will not implement
No limit to the animated incremental map names, please. A pattern map or bump map can be animated by using the Increment Pattern Name option or the Increment Bump Name option. This lets the pattern/bump name change throughout a sequence successive...
about 4 years ago
in Visualization
Will not implement