If you want suggestions on what an audit/repair tool should do, look in the dusty archives for documentation on the EDG tool from V4 to V7. This utility was very useful for analyzing and repairing corrupted files in a non-graphic environment. Here...
‘Variable based filters’- we have filters available only for the Blend Radius, Hole Diameter and Face Area (Check attached example, where, when you change value of variable Filter_Hole_Dia_Limit and Filter_Blend_Rad_Limit to something greater than...
Can we have an option to allow users the ability to import a 'Display Style' from another file. We have the option for Display Rules, but not Display Styles. Ian Lapper
Similar to creating patterned areas by points, it would be great if we can create an area, especially if a side (or sides) of the area has curves, with a predefined pattern, distances, &/or angles are automatically filled once the area is clos...
In V8i, there was a leader setting that could underline the last line of text in a note. This was VERY useful, and could be manipulated to place the underline (delimiter) under any line we wanted. It wasn't as great as a style that could, say, und...
To have parametric geometry be supported by 3D custom linestyles, as of right now any component that changes from it's default state/type will not save as a 3d linestyle.
Ability to open files in blob storage with additional 'browse' button
Add an Azure or Cloud storage browse button , next to current 'Browse' button in the App's recent files launch interface. Azure storage explorer can be detected on the device
JT Files are actual imported as nested Shared Cells containing the native Properties as MicroStation User Data. The Import should store the Properties as Item's and the iTwin Connector should translate the nested Shared Cell Structure to a more ha...
Implement EED/BSR element stripping tool to remove legacy package dependency linkages which are no longer supported/accessible from locking drawings.
Users who have generated drawing content in legacy packages (EED - Bentley Elementary Electrical Diagrams or BSR), which are no longer supported, have a range of drawings which either need rectifying by backporting (v7) or redrawing. This is due t...
Ability to stretch properties dialog without adding additional columns of categories
If users want to read the pull description of piping data for fields such as DESCRIPTION or COMPONENT NAME in the properties dialog, or the modify component dialog, they try to extend the width of the dialog. However, MicroStation just add more ca...