3d--pdfs are fantastic to use.Still I can see the following1- tool to adjust centre for rotation in the pdf2- hide (selected element) in view3- (stated earlier) list of Named Groups so when selected only the NG is visible.
about 4 years ago
in Collaboration
Will not implement
Save As/Export Raster references options - RETAIN/OMIT
When saving/exporting a DGN to a DWG/DXF, we have options to control vector references i.e. Retain, Merge, OMIT etc. But we have NO control over Raster References. I want to have an option where we can include or Omit them.
When trying to access the Communities site, after logging in, there is a prompt titled "Setting up your account." In that prompt, there is a Display Name field and a checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions. After both of these requirements a...
Polygon section tool to better subdivide areas in the iTwin (similar to MSTN)
We are using the iTwin section tool to subdivide the plant into sub-area saved views for IFC model generation, and it would be extremely useful to have a polygon section tool to better subdivide comples areas of the model.
almost 2 years ago
in Collaboration
Will not implement
Select-By Level -> Display If Used or Additional Level Used Column [Fixed Width]
Hello Bentley, This idea is either for an additional fixed-width column when selecting Elements by-Level, or the existing [is used] column to display whether a level is used or not. A fixed width column to sort by used/not used. Click on the colum...
We increasingly get files where e.g. the architectural floor plan is "bound" as a cell. Especially in DWGs this appears thepopular method to deliver files with xrefs included as pseudo cells. (Same you do when you SaveAs a DGN and choose the optio...
To add a Link to a element in a model, the user first has to add the Link to the Project Explorer Links tab... using drag and drop (Bravo!). He then has to drag and drop the Link on to the element in the View Window.What would be great is if the u...
about 4 years ago
in Collaboration
Future consideration
Add options to Bentley DGN preview Handler for Windows Explorer
Add options for level display such asAll ON, Off By Element, All Off Except Element.Add view attribute options for Fill, Line Styles, Line Weights, etc...Add Standard views such as Top, Front, Right, etc...
about 4 years ago
in Collaboration
Future consideration
Hi All,Would be great to be able to achieve the following;1. A user creates a lookup list with a value, and a description2. The user then configures 2 item properties3. When a user selects the first property (the value), the second property is pop...