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Add V8 dgn function to Cell Replacement in 'Save File CSV Remapper' tool

The Level Remapper has the ability of replacing cells but it is only when saving to a V7 dgn file format. Is there something that can be done for savi...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Items browser saved seach definitions from dgnlib or configuration variable

The items browser has the ability to save advanced searches to external file(s). We would like to have these searches available through configuration variables or a dgnlib so they are avalable in the workspace. This is a similar behavior to all th...
about 1 year ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Add support for DWG Block Visibility States

AutoCAD allows for setting different visibility states in their blocks. These need to be supported in MicroStation, not only for better DWG file interoperability, but it would be a great enhancement to shared cells as well.
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Planned

Direct SQLite database connections

currently the database connector allows direct connections to Oracle, ODBC & BUDBC connection database connections. We’d like direct connections to SQLite databases be added as well. SQLite ODBC connections are possible but require installing ...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Full support of DWG annotation scaling

The AutoCAD based annotation scaling is far beyond the Microstations annotation scaling. Autocad has element based n-scale techniques to place notes at different origins with different sizes for different scales. Text styles property for texts and...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 4 Future consideration

Packager - retain folder structure

Can we have an option (Tick box) to enable us to extract the packager contents to the same folder structure that they were created from. As it stands, it extracts them into one folder. Ian
6 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Add ability to import IFC properties as item data

Am ifc file comes with a lot of property information. This information, however, is not imported into MicroStation. Only the graphics and the class is imported (not even OBD has this functionality) In contrast when you e.g. create an iModel from R...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 4 Future consideration

New Level Manager Field/Column -> Concatenated Properties String

Hello Bentley, This idea is for a new Level property/Field which is a concatenation of all the other Level properties as a single string. Any unused properties can be something like Null or a zero. This column can be exported to a text file or to ...
6 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Support for ACAD Dynamic Blocks

It seems like Dynamic Blocks have been reversed engineered and are becoming mainstream in the ACAD clone world... with IntelliCAD, Graebert, BricsCAD and now ZWCAD (Flexiblocks). It would be great to extend Mstn's great DWG interop functionality b...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration / General 1 Planned

Application Extension Market

MicroStation Connect needs an easy-to-use application extension market. Runtime automated extensions, User Activated extensions and Event Driven extensions. These can range from running command scripts on demand, to attaching Cell Libraries, chang...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 8 Future consideration