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Clash Detection - Attribute Customization

It seems there is no way to customize clash 'Status', Clash Number by predefined Prefix/Surfix, and additional attributes to manage clash better.Markup tool had customize attribute' values which is not available at desktop level in CONNECT and ver...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Future consideration

update active color, level,... if we edit the active Element template.

try to do this:1) Select an element template from the combobox which has the property color= green.2) Edit that element template (element templates dialog), for example, change theproperty Color to red.3) Create an element. As you can see, Microst...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Add an icon "Window list" in the "Window" group of the ribbon.

In the ribbon, (drawing workflow), View tab--------------- "Window" group, it is necessary an icon to open the "window list" dialog.Moreover, I haven't found a key-in to open that dialog. Currently, the location is: Ribbon:Drawing>Home>Prima...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Converting Files and Federate Models

Hi, 1. How can we convert an imodel file to an .ifc file ?2. How can we federate models in iModel3. How to customize the selection of the models in iModel and export as federated single model as .ifc or .dgn file which can be easily imported to sy...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Already exists

Add moment of inertia/ Radius of Gyration to reports

Can we add the measure toolsmoment of inertia/ Radius of Gyration to the reports tool please Thank youIan
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Capacidades a incorporar a Bentley View

Cada vez más se están utilizando modelos 3D BIM para comunicar proyectos de ingeniería, haver coordinación geométrica de modelos etc. Todos sabemos que los navegadores del mercado Bentley View, BIM Vision, BIM Collab, Naviswork, etc, presentan la ...
over 2 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Adding "reviewed/needs review" flag to text with automatic colour change

I often use quite a bit of dummy text in drawings that needs being changed at a later date. At the moment I change the text colour to red so I don't forget which bits to change. This approach is somewhat prone to mistakes, though, if I either forg...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Tool Settings window (always the checkbox "Default values" and "Default location" (of the window)

I would like a way that the user can set the behaviour for Tool Settings window, basicallyto avoid that the software saves automatically the previousvalues or previous settings when we use a tool.For example, a checkbox in "Tool Settings window" f...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

create custom dialogs (compound dialog)

Hi.Currently, if we have several dialogs such as Model dialog and Reference, we can see them together ifwe dock them in the same side of the screen.However, if I put those dialogs in a second screen (monitor), then I can't dock them, so it would b...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Action(key-in) for "Toolboxes" window.

To open the Toolboxes window, I have to do "File-------->Settings---------> [Toolboxes] button.But I would like to have a key-in to use an action in a Function key.If I use the key-in, there is the key-in: DIALOG TOOLBOX + (ANY TOOLBOX). May...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Needs review