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When Saving As Using Level Remapping, Saved View Need to Have Their Level Tables Remapped

Using the Save As dialog with a Level Mapping CSV file does not remap the Levels within any saved view. The view extents and other display settings are retained, but any level on or off settings are lost. I assume they or "orphaned" once their lev...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Future consideration

Constraints: Ref Attachment Elements

Constraints should work with elements in Ref Attachments.Case 1: Models in external dgns: This should work like other associatively linked elements like dimensions, hatches. Currently, not working. I know. Please fix.Case 2: Models internal to act...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Future consideration

Allow Imprint on solid feature to independent attributes

The imprint on solid tool offers the option to change the imprint line style, type, weight, color etc. However in practice the imprint takes on the line weight/style/color of the main parametric solid this does not remain an independent attribute....
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Future consideration

Add Element template to Clash Detection Criteria

Currently, you can use clash detection by Levels, References and Named Groups.Adding Element Templates to the criteria, would allow us to set up standardized clash detection rules that are not dependent on a clients level naming and file naming st...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 0 Will not implement

Manage References in ProjectWise

Have ProjectWise have the ability to: Remove References from ProjectWise which can help with large ref, corrupt refs, and general easy file management. Open files in ProjectWise without refs which can aid quick looks and above point, Have all asso...
11 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

ProjectWise Drawing Lists and True Change Notification

ProjectWise should be able to produce Trackers and Drawings list to stop users copying out lists of stuff. does seem too far a stretch to have a 'Lists' tab or feature, where individual files, whatever they maybe, can be tagged to be added to a 'L...
11 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Attribute Exchange Rules for Fields

We need a way to tie ProjectWise Attributes to Bentley Fields, similar to the attribute exchange rules with Tags, except have the ability to span multiple sheets in the same file.
almost 2 years ago in Collaboration 1 Future consideration

ProjectWise and Inventor and SolidWorks

It would be great if ProjectWise could manage Inventor and SolidWorks parts and assemblies.
almost 2 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Ability to see and change ProjectWise Reference Versions inside Microstation like Design History

Currently ProjectWise documents does not display any ProjectWise version info in the Reference dialog and makes it difficult to clearly identify what version is being used and a simple internal mechanism to change versions. We regularly want to co...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Projectwise Integrated Reference Dialog

Currently ProjectWise documents are displayed with local paths (and variables) in the Reference dialog that is useless to users and makes it difficult to clearly identify where the document is stored on ProjectWise. Having a more polished integrat...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review