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My ideas: Collaboration

Showing 10

Add functionality of 'Unit Formatting' option when creating table from a report

When creating a table from a report there is no option to show/hide units of a number type item type property. A setting for 'Unit Formatting' similar to what is available for text fields will be helpful for report definitions.
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 0 Planned

Tables - Can we add a Sum option

Now that we have the ability to add tables to our DGN files. We can add the areas of many shapes to the table. It would be very useful to have an option to calculate the sum of all the areas. At the moment we have to copy/paste this into excel to ...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Planned

Microstation should support DWG Dynamic Blocks in a 1:1 way, hopefully with Cells

As I found in an old Topic :
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Planned

Add support for DWG Block Visibility States

AutoCAD allows for setting different visibility states in their blocks. These need to be supported in MicroStation, not only for better DWG file interoperability, but it would be a great enhancement to shared cells as well.
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Planned

Support for ACAD Dynamic Blocks

It seems like Dynamic Blocks have been reversed engineered and are becoming mainstream in the ACAD clone world... with IntelliCAD, Graebert, BricsCAD and now ZWCAD (Flexiblocks). It would be great to extend Mstn's great DWG interop functionality b...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration / General 1 Planned

Multi-User Access to Sheet Index

With so many people needed access to the sheet index file, having it single user access is not very workable. At the very least, allow users to each folder within the sheet index at the same time as a starting point. Ideally we would be able to ha...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 0 Planned

Item Types Improvement

Hi All,Would be great to be able to achieve the following;1. A user creates a lookup list with a value, and a description2. The user then configures 2 item properties3. When a user selects the first property (the value), the second property is pop...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Planned

GEO Coordinates - push to reference file not showing true XYZ values

If you work in 3d you should typically work within the SWA. If you have several buildings you can set them up at 0,0,0 and horizontal to the view. Reference these buildings to a master coordination file, where you would move the reference files to...
9 months ago in Collaboration 0 Planned

Provide for Referencing new Navigator Connect .imodels in Mstn Connect

Transfered from EAP Ideas list. The new .imodels look a lot lighter weight and quick compared to .idgns. It would be good to be able to reference attach the new format into Mstn sessions.I think that this was briefly possible in U4?
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Planned

ACS: 'Real' ACS Widgets

Transfered from EAP Ideas listACS widgets should be 'real' objects that can saved as part of Cells, Named Groups etc. And used by the new Parametric Solids, GC etc. Not sure, a token point element with its info as Item info attached? The ACS's and...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Planned