WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...
Add documentation about @scripts to MicroStation Help
Every now and again someone posts a question on the MicroStation Forum about @scripts, also known as Script Files . Often the author is a newcomer to MicroStation, doesn't know where to start, and hasn't come across @scripts. MicroStation Help doe...
I would like to combine all levels of drawings into one report. For this I also need the layer library from which the layer comes. This option is not available in the reports and should be updated.
Get Windows Environment Variable %DATE% into Config Variable
Currently when I try to pass the Windows Environment Variable %DATE% into a MicroStation Config variable it doesn't work? Normally to pass a Windows Environment variable to a Config variable I would do something like this, but it doesn't work? _CU...
The create Macro dialog box could be improved so it remembers your choice from the previous macro. For example the the flyout will always remain expanded and it will remember if you chose Bentley macro or VBA. It will also remember where you store...
LineStyle dialog should have a Filter combobox on the top of the list to filter according to: Used styles (although we can do this from Element Selection if previously we "select all") styles of the drawing. styles not used (if we use the Compress...
Improve "Configuration Variables" dialog box on files opened from Projecwise
The "Configuration Variables" dialog box on files opened from ProjectWise could use some improvement. The empty white space to the right of the Category column is wasted space. You can not select on the bar between the categories and variables to ...
Similar to save fence to file but write results in seperate models. Like when extracting geometry from 3D mesh then need to copy it to 2D models in the same file.
Select alternate units in Measure tools and Dimension tools
Provide an option to select alternate units (other than Master & Subunits) in Measure tools. Applies to Measure Distance, Measure Radius, Measure Length, Measure Area, Measure Volume, Dimension Element, Dimension Linear, Dimension between points
Print Organizer to read files from Document set for Batch Print
Greetings!!! For Batch Print initially we add the files from project wise. When they are added from the respective folders its easier to add. When we have Document set; where we have all the drawings placed for easy access, those files from Docume...