I think that the official line is that multiple sessions of Mstn is not supported, although this is possible (both with and without ProjectWise). I think that it is increasingly unavoidable in a production environment. Reasons include: Increasingl...
Allow users to detach references when opening a file with the -o command line argument
Allow users to detach a problem reference when using the -o command line argument. The detach reference function doesn't work when using the -o command line argument. The -o command line argument is helpful to see if a problem reference is causing...
Possibly not feasible or easy but having a version of the point analyze tool from OpenRoads for Bentley View would be really helpful, especially for terrains to get an elevation and slope at any point. It doesn't need to place text like OpenRoads,...
I don't see the point of a 1 character suffix or prefix. Practically all unit measurements except meters, Kelvin are at least 2 characters, mm, cm, °C,.. For me I needed to add "ca." prefix so it is three characters.
Now that we have worksets, which are linked to the DGNWS files. As a user we need to be able to see and edit what is retained in these DGNWS files. From time to time, I have found the DGNWS file is no longer working and I have to delete it to rese...
Tables should be able to show graphics as well as text
Could we have a new table class DgnTable? The CONNECT TextTable displays only text elements. It would be useful to include graphics as well. That would provide a native solution for, say, a Legend.
I have a cell with an item type that reads an alignment and populates the Station and Offset when in ORD. If that file is opened in MSCE and the cell is moved, the station/offset will not be updated (as expected) and the "Last Valid Value" is disp...
Ability to effectively use MIcrostation and other Bentley applications with current Citrix versions
WSP is greatly increasing globally the use of Citrix for better project workshare and performance. We are running Bentley applications through Citrix and though application operation and file performance is fantastic we all have a core problem reg...
Most other tools (Move, copy, rotate etc) have a 'Use Fence' option on the tool settings. Only Delete makes you go to the fence tools to select.This may have been a good safeguard before UNDO but causes extra steps now.