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Showing 836 of 1680

Create Cell - Retain Option

Similar to AutoCAD, the Create Cell tool should include a Retain 'Cell' in place option. This would speed modeling components in context very much. Model axle, Create Cell, Model Wheel, Create Cell Model axle, Create Cell, Delete Cell geometry, In...
over 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Command line in Cell Library dialog

It would be good to provide a command line input in the Cell Library dialog. This would allow the user to key in 'AC=Name of Cell' etc and get the Cell Library to filter and list and display the Cell(s). The info and input points are currently rem...
over 2 years ago in General 1 Needs review

Associate SAVED VIEW NAME with MODEL vs the DGN

Currently, within the same DGN, you can only use a saved view name ONCE. I am suggesting that Microstation uses a hierarchal structure for its saved views whereby the same view name can be used multiple times because the names would be associated ...
over 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Add ability to define a WorkSet label

As an administrator I'd like to rename the WorkSet label. Just like the functionality to rename the WorkSpace label using the variable _USTN_WORKSPACELABEL I'd like to do the same for WorkSets. Plase add a new variable _USTN_WORKSETLABEL with the ...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Replace Nested Cell

The Replace Cell currently needs to work on nested Cells. Current BIM workflows are heavily based on assembly:component modeling. All designs are based on progressive refinement, iteration and LOD based workflows. This means that whatever placed i...
over 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Frame selection in the "Place annotation" settings as with V8i

Hello everyone, In V8i, the selection of the frames in "Place Annotation" was made easier by being available in the option. In the current Connect version, this can only be changed in the dimension standards library in the "Text frame" tab. This i...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Add ability to define a report by special config var pointing to dgnlib

reports can only be definined using the general MS_DGNLIBLIST variable. A new configuration variable MS_DGNLIBLIST_REPORTS is required pointing to a dgnlib containing a report definition.
over 3 years ago in General 3 Needs review

Compres mvba

Tool to compress MVBA files. Doing VBA development the mvba files bloat taking more and more space. Need tool to compress them for easy sharing.
10 months ago in General 2 Will not implement

Item Type expression to find item type property of a shape that is surrounding element.

We have to draw our wetland impacts to show them on our plan sheets. I would like to use item types to show what type of wetland we are impacting. Right now, I can only manually enter what type of wetland it is. This information is included as an ...
over 1 year ago in General 0 Needs review

Cell Library dialog box: convert file menu items to icons

The file menu in the cell library dialog box appears quite archaic in a ribbon based application. The drop down menu may still contain the libraries of MS_CELL. The menu items New, Attach File..., Attach Folder..., Detach and Compress should be ma...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Future consideration