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Showing 840 of 1687

Improvements for Fence

The Tool Settings of "Place Fence" should have the following. new checkbox: Don´t remove the active fence when "Place Fence" is open. New column "Active" (readOnly) in the dataTable of Named Fences. If the active Fence is from a Named Boundary, th...
over 3 years ago in General 2 Needs review

Item values by property

We get files where e.g. the filename and other items in the titleblock (shared cell) are driven by the file properties. But the update only works when you open the file in AC. It would brilliant if we were able to drive items from properties. May ...
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Toggle AccuDraw button (back in blue if it is ON)

The "toggle AccuSnap" button changes its icon (back in blue instead of gray) when AccuSnap is ON. However, the "toggle AccuDraw" (in the AccuDraw toolBox) is always in gray. In my opinion, it should have the same behaviour. (back in blue when is O...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Construction Element Types with additional features.

Construction Class Elements can have additional features. These might include snap options that can be enabled/disabled. So if i place a Construction line I can enable it to be snap-able to have Nearest Snap, or a Snap Divisor assigned. Different ...
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Reuse LAYOUT options when creating new installation Images

When using the -Layout option to create installation images, there should be an Button/option to search for an XML associated with a previously created layout. This option could import the layout data and set up the new image according to the prev...
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

test idea for bentley support

test post to test bentley's ideas page login problem.
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Already exists

Background color added to DGN when using Text Editor

Not an Idea, for us it is a DEFECT: Whenever we are using the Text Editor in MS CE the background color is added to the DGN. There is no need at all to add the background color as a RGB color (i.e. white on white?) even there is already a BG label...
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Allow rapid level change when level lock is on

I love the ability to quickly match element attributes using ALT-Click -- especially when working with unfamiliar drawings that have inconsistent standards. However, when such drawings are also congested it can be difficult to manage. I find that ...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Needs review

viewport color

The viewport override option is currently not supported for DWGs in MicroStation. This allows (in Acad) to change the color of certain levels. So you can highlight or grey out the display of certain levels that you need to see for orientation and ...
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Add pen up/down line style definitions to pen tables

In MicroStation pen tables please add the ability to define the pen up/down strokes for line styles 1-7. Currently these can be defined in the pltcfg, but the ProjectWise rendition server doesn't support pltcfg files. Adding support into the Pen T...
almost 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review