In the Level Manager, when I have a number of Levels selected, I thought that when I use the Levels->Export command, that those selected Levels would save to a file, but I can't. Is this something that we could or should be able to do? It would...
Mstn seems to have persistent problems and lack of support for nested Cells. It would be good to have a command to convert Ref attachments to nested Cells. Combined with MSR-I-1734 (a command to convert nested Cells to Ref attachments), this would...
Example: Place Slab Solid has three input fields: Length, Width, Height. They all track the user's input. It would be great if the input field could accept Expressions... like + 1000 or + A where A is a Variable.
We are constantly being charged for over usage of Bentley application. We (administrators) need an option to STOP users from opening Bentley software once the license limit is reached. I know we can add an option that a user will see if they reach...
When I have an element that has multiple item types of various complexity, it often takes a long time for the properties window to open so I can view or edit the item types, sometimes resulting in the program crashing. I think it would be really n...
It seems like Dynamic Blocks have been reversed engineered and are becoming mainstream in the ACAD clone world... with IntelliCAD, Graebert, BricsCAD and now ZWCAD (Flexiblocks). It would be great to extend Mstn's great DWG interop functionality b...
I think that the official line is that multiple sessions of Mstn is not supported, although this is possible (both with and without ProjectWise). I think that it is increasingly unavoidable in a production environment. Reasons include: Increasingl...
I have a cell with an item type that reads an alignment and populates the Station and Offset when in ORD. If that file is opened in MSCE and the cell is moved, the station/offset will not be updated (as expected) and the "Last Valid Value" is disp...