Export separate DWGs via shapes - similar to Print Organizer
In Print Organizer we can create fences for the export from shapes on a certain level and then the content of these shapes gets written into separate pages in the PDF or even separate PDF files.
I would like to do the same for DWG export. (I kn...
Add background fill option to dimension note options
Consumers Energy - I would like to be able to utilize a background fill on a dimension style so that when notes are placed, the entire box with text will cover any patterning or other parts of the drawing behind it without having to trim lines or ...
In text favorites: I'd love to be able to create "folders" in which I can add specific items. Right now I just have a really long single list I have to scroll through.
MicroStation tools working more like Civil tools with Civil AccuDraw
Has there been any talk or conversion about using Civil AccuDraw with MicroStation platform tools and having that placed geometry ruled/constrained to the referenced element? Currently if you use Civil Accudraw with MicroStation platform tools, it...
Child Sheet Index Sheet Numbering should be influenced by Master
If a Sheet Index is referenced as a child to a master Sheet Index, that Master Sheet Index should be able to control and propagate the start numbering for Sheet Number across all referenced/child Sheet Indices.
Select previously selected element, and previous to that, way back.
During a session a lot of selecting and deselecting is performed. Some commands deselect elements when done doing what they do. Selecting the previously selected element is currently possible through "choose previous" or "choose last". Wouldn't it...
about 4 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
It would be nice to have the ability to apply a Display Style to a Level. We can apply a Display Style to an Element or a View, but not a Level.This would also lead to further DWGInteroperability with Print Styles.
about 4 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
Change Element Attribute & Change Colour Fill combined
In MS 2023.2, Bentley have added the option to change Element fill colour. Although this is a good idea, I feel it would be better to combine Change Element Attributes & Change Element Fill colour to one dialog. Thus the new option in 2023.2, ...