I would like to place a title block as annotation cell that goes with the annotation scale RELATIVE to the drawing sheet As you draw on different formats I like still to place the same title block (not several copies on each drawing border - like ...
about 3 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
Is the origin of the sheet border in the lower left corner? Why not the upper right corner? Better jet; why not let users define it? Perhaps in a similar fashion as text justification... Left Top, Left Bottom, LM, CC...
Solid Pattern Style as a standard option rather than Fill
To construct an object with solid pattern style would be beneficial to the user. Currently the user needs to create an object and modify multiple properties in order to obtain the desired result, quite often going against the required client level...
This command was in the horizontal alignment generator in V8. A very useful tool that would store a tangent curve through an identified point and modify the existing element(s) if desired. I cannot find this command in Open Roads.
We would like to see if its possible for the text in the text editor display can be assigned a defaulted white value, but when applying the update to the drawing the edited text would adhere to whatever the color attribute is currently set to for ...
over 2 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration