Rotate text placed at arbitrary angle back to 0 or 90 degree
command or key-in for text that is placed at an arbitrary angle be easily rotated to sit at 0 or 90 degrees to match other text placed horizontally, without having to delete it and then re-entering it.
Pick more attributes through ALT + left mouse click
Some of you may already know that you can pick and subsequently activate layer, line style, weight and colour by left-clicking on an element with the ALT key held down instead of changing those settings one by one.I would love to see this extended...
Pick center of text field, not only of the individual lines
When moving texts I often want to place them right in the center of another object, e. g. a rectangle.When manipulating objects like circles, ellipses, rectangles, polygons etc. I can pick their very center. If texts span over more than one line I...
Need simple menu creation & simple on-click comands!
Please enable us to easily create classic & simple 1 click commands like Microstation 2004 edition. 1 click commands allow the user to significantly improve drawing speed. Simplicity in menu commends is better than complexity.
Add an option in clip volume to be possible to change angles in Steps
Now we can place steps along our Clip Volume and it's fixed at 90º. This is great, but it could be even greater if we could change the angle along the step.This way we could acheved automaty section without manual labour to do a simple thing like ...
A very old 2D drafting package I used 15-20 years had a tool call "delete dupes" and it was liken to the Microstation Delete Duplicates command under utilities. But it had an added bonus if any lines(or arcs)of the same weight, level, type etc. ov...
about 4 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Will not implement
Possibility to use Named Boundaries from reference file to create drawings
If it has been possible to use a Named Boundary from a reference file to create drawings you could create a kind of "seed"-file for a project with all possible types of drawings in that specific project. Today when you reference in a file with Nam...
over 1 year ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
When inserting text, when properties are associated, if they are empty, the text could be hidden. This would be useful, for example, in a legend with revisions. Where there are lines that would only appear if the revisions were considered.
There seems to be counter productive "improvement" in CONNECT edition that Point Curve elements are converted to B-spline element on modify. For example using Fence Clip, break element or extend line tools. This is unexpected and the resulted spli...
The report tool allows you to preview your table and even has filter options in the preview, but you can't place or export the filtered preview that you can create. I know aggregate counts are already an IDEA and have been requested, but the abili...
about 4 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Will not implement