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Showing 847 of 1699

Save Snaps in User preferences

To have the option of configuring and saving Snaps in the UPF, User Preferences file in the same way that background colours and Element selection colours are saved in the UPF file.This will provide consistency for the user regarding snaps. This w...
1 day ago in General 1 Needs review

Fix print organizer with Projectwise to cache references rather than redownload

This relates to all versions of microstation/openroads/openbridge/etc that use print organizer with a projectwise integrate project. When printing from a PSET, if there are multiple dgns in a pset that have the same references, print organizer wil...
14 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Infinite Grid at any zoom

With survey/ geospatial work we spend a lot of time at all sorts of zoom levels, from city-scale down to fractions of a millimetre. The grid gives quick visual feedback of a sense of scale, but there are no settings which will offer that sense of ...
about 23 hours ago in General 0 Needs review

Selection handles preference

have a preference setting where you can have select handles button as a default instead of a selection color. Each time you start a new selection today it resets on selection color and need to click on select handles again
8 days ago in General 1 Needs review

More and easier to search lists

There are many lists that aren't searchable, those that are you can only search by entering the first letter. What I mean is that you can type in the first few letters and the list jumps to the point in the list that starts with that letter. For e...
7 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Import Stacked Fractions

Need the ability to place table from Excel and have fractions stacked if appropriate text style is picked.
6 months ago in General 3 Future consideration

WMS Map Editior Server Authentication Required Dialog to auto-fill (remember) User ID.

When we add a raster to a design file from our Image Web Server using the WMS Map Editor which requires authentication, the Authentication Required dialog comes up and we need to enter our full email address as our User Name. Could this field be m...
7 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Replace Cell - List Suppport

Please enhance Replace Cell tool to support lists. This would boost productivity and reduce errors. The current set up requires the user to manually input the search, target and replace, subsitute Cell names one at a time. This is hugely slow and ...
26 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Add search bar for references to easily find the reference you need

Like the feature in the level manager, a search bar should be added into the reference manager, hierarchy tree of level manager and level display manager so that users can find the reference they need within a sea of references for larger files.
7 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Config file directive to log message in debug output

Similar to %echo a directive (perhaps %debugmsg) that allows inserting information/comments into the debugging log output. %echo echos data to the console window so it pops-up for all users, the new directive would only put info in the debug outpu...
about 2 months ago in General 1 Needs review