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2D Drawing

Showing 249

Text justification ascender

If I want to place text above a line or other element with an offset that changes relative to the text when I change the annotation scale, I use one of the Descender options in Text Justification. However there is no option if that text is below t...
about 24 hours ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Double underline in Text style

Many organizations request Titles and/or sub-titles to have double underlines. Please simplify this process by adding the double underline option in the text styles dialog box or allowing a negative overline, so a line can be generated below the f...
about 1 month ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Dimension Radius Prefix =

Adding the ability to the Annotate Dimensions with R = 1 500.00 R = Radius Space Equals Space Kilometers Meter Point Decimals (Millimeters)
6 days ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Deselect reference

It appears that the only way to deselect a reference is to click in the white space below the references. If you have too many references, that white space needs to be reattained by stretching out the dialog box. I propose that either a single lin...
26 days ago in 2D Drawing 1 Needs review
158 VOTE

Update Text editor with useful features

It would be nice if the text editor works like the one in Autocad!We need an editor that acts more like a text real editor where we can type notes and paragraphs without needing to enter inhard returns.We also need to be able to have columns of te...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 19 Planned

Require Ability to Control the Dimension Terminator Size

Sizes of the four dimension terminator symbols (arrow, open circle, filled dot, and slash) are all controlled by the Dimension Styles dialog, terminator width and height. As shown in the attached screenshot ours is set up so that the arrow width e...
about 1 month ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Include Table Elements in Pen table Resymbolisation

Currently pen tables dont apply their colour and weight resymbolisation to table elements or shape fills, meaning tables and fills need to be dropped or changed to colour 0 in order to print out black, while a piece of text or a line prints as int...
13 days ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Change text justification without text chaging its position.

At the current state of Microstation Connect changing several texts with different justifications to the one I use, or that my company requires me to use, results in the texts changing positions, and consecuently I need to reposition every single ...
about 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration
101 VOTE

line style editor: Point Symbol editing

Point Symbols should be editable just as any regular geometry can be altered. -Select a Point Symbol, -Edit, add or remove geometry,-Save,-Linestyle is updated.
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 2 Future consideration

Dimension total length along element (chained & non linear elements)

I'd like to suggest to implement the ability to dimension the length of non linear elements that can be measured. example screenshot shows a dimension I had to create manually.
about 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 3 Needs review