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3D Modeling

Showing 168 of 1663

Parametric Element Option to Move entire element to desired level

Moving a Parametric element to a new level doesn't move the underlying profiles and other features to that same level. This can result in the software appearing to show levels being used that do not appear to have anything on them. Very confusing ...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Planned

Parametric Cells - Constraints for element visibility

Currently there are no methods to turn on/off the visibility of elements/nested cells contained within a cell via a boolean constraint. In many cases this would be a useful feature to have, to avoid having to recreate all the possible permutations...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 2 Planned

Parametric cell variables easily retrievable from item property expression

Current state is that if you want to retrieve value of a given variable (variable of a parametric cell) via expression in item property definition you can do it but in limited way. (item type is attached to the parametric cell afterwards in model ...
over 3 years ago in 3D Modeling 0 Future consideration

Union of Parametric Features needs to allow option to maintain constraints

The union of parametric features tool in connect currently leaves a lot to be desired. If two fully constrained parametric solids are merged any constraints that existed between the solids are gone. Unless they were 2D some 2D constraints persist ...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 2 Already exists

Loft Rectangle to Circle in surface/solid Modelling

Idea is to add parametric capabilities to in the "loft rectangular to circle" tool in both surface and solid modelling. it can be link to the variables and should have orthogonal or non-orthogonal positioning for circular end/rectangular/square en...
12 months ago in 3D Modeling 0 Planned

Welding symbol is quite common and should be there in the Base platform too.

Welding symbol is quite common and should be there in the Base platform too. I have loaded the detweld.dll /ma files from the mdl application. its giving this error. "OS could not load C:\Configuration\ConfigurationSets\Hatch\Hatch_Common\mdlapps\...
almost 2 years ago in 3D Modeling 2 Will not implement

Better parametric array options

Right now it is quite limited. Arraying objects along path especially should enable: -orientation lock to vertical or custom direction (for example: railing posts along 3d curves should remain vertical) -arraying along path should enable planar ro...
almost 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 0 Future consideration

[Parametric Modelling] Table view for Variables

It would be really nice to have a view option for the variables window when creating parametric cells.This way you could see more than one variable-set at a time and it would be much faster to edit the values.What I imagine: Parameter NameValueTyp...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 3 Will not implement

Pseudo - Parametric/Shared Cell Option

Parametric cells are great, shared cells are great using them in practice isn't so great.Parametric cells are stuck on the level, color, line weight and any other attribute associated with the "shared" cell within the file. So to save file space i...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 2 Will not implement

Adding Threads to Holes, Cylinders, Revolved Solids, Etc.

In previous versions of MicroStation (as it appears in the help files), there was once an option to "Add Threads" to a feature hole. This option seems to have been removed or depreciated in the CONNECT version. My suggestion is to add this option ...
over 2 years ago in 3D Modeling 5 Future consideration