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Transfer Dialog settings between files

Currently, when the user saves settings (Ctrl-F) the Create Region tool remembers the user's chosen option. Eg 'Flood'. So, if the user opens the file again he/she doesn't have to re-set the Create Region tool settings. OK. It would be really help...
about 15 hours ago in General 0 Needs review

Setting MS_Thumbnail = Sheet Boundary

A new option for configuration variable value for MS_Thumbnail: MS_Thumbnail = BOUNDARY By setting this configuration variable with this new value, the Sheet Model Boundary area will be used as the DGN thumbnail. The image captured for the DGN thu...
4 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Replace Cell - List Suppport

Please enhance Replace Cell tool to support lists. This would boost productivity and reduce errors. The current set up requires the user to manually input the search, target and replace, subsitute Cell names one at a time. This is hugely slow and ...
7 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Replace Text - List support

Please enhance Replace Text tool to support a lists. This would boost productivity and reduce errors. The current set up requires the user to manually input the search and replace text strings one at a time. This is hugely slow and error prone. Li...
7 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Config file directive to log message in debug output

Similar to %echo a directive (perhaps %debugmsg) that allows inserting information/comments into the debugging log output. %echo echos data to the console window so it pops-up for all users, the new directive would only put info in the debug outpu...
about 1 month ago in General 1 Needs review

WMS Map Editior Server Authentication Required Dialog to auto-fill (remember) User ID.

When we add a raster to a design file from our Image Web Server using the WMS Map Editor which requires authentication, the Authentication Required dialog comes up and we need to enter our full email address as our User Name. Could this field be m...
6 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Add search bar for references to easily find the reference you need

Like the feature in the level manager, a search bar should be added into the reference manager, hierarchy tree of level manager and level display manager so that users can find the reference they need within a sea of references for larger files.
6 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Add the ability to display "Geographical Survey Institute Maps" and other tiled maps

Add the ability to display "Geographical Survey Institute Maps" and other tiled maps published as background maps in MicroStation. The URL of the tile map I want to display is as follows{z}/{x}/{y}.png
7 months ago in General 1 Needs review

Reporting for Multiple Objects

I wanting to report on an item type along with native properties from another object. When I do that, the report presents the information in two different rows. I would like to see the report display all objects selected, returned to a single row....
10 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Dimensioning Alternate Label Settings should include the ability to select Leading Zero and Trailing Zeros

When working with Dimension Styles, I would like the ability to turn leading and trailing zeros off in Alternate Label settings. Currently, when creating a dimension style, leading and trailing zeros are controlled ONLY by the Primary Units settin...
6 months ago in General 0 Needs review