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Status Needs review
Categories General
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 21, 2025

Transfer Dialog settings between files

Currently, when the user saves settings (Ctrl-F) the Create Region tool remembers the user's chosen option. Eg 'Flood'. So, if the user opens the file again he/she doesn't have to re-set the Create Region tool settings. OK.

It would be really helpful if there is a way to avoid having to re-do these settings for the next and subsequent files that the user opens.

1. Open Dialogs stay open.

2. Open dialogs settings are persisted in the new file.

3. Last Accudraw, ACS settings?

Is there any way to record and re-play, override these settings? It would be a great productivity feature. Saves a lot of clumsy tool re-jigging. Even if this saves a few minutes per task, it will add up.

Persistent tool settings and dialogs would allow users to pipeline or 'vectorise' tasks.

Maybe there should be a macro that allows the user to fill in which dialogs, accudraw/ACS settings to record on exiting the file. When the user calls the macro after opening the new file, the settings are 're-played'.

Option: the macro would also record the pre-existing settings of the chosen dialogs etc and re-instate them when the user exits the file.

See also previous discussion