If a cell has (item/object) several properties it would be great to place selected properties directly. (not requiring to create a label cell) Just With the current text definition or text style.
My idea is a "Label" dialog (rightclick on the cell provides a function to opens that dialog). That shows a list of the properties of the cell and allows to select some or all. It also allows to "keep" the same settings for the following (same) cells.
As dense drawings do not allow to labeling several properties in one consistent "stamp" style (cell), each single property label (text) needs to be able to be moved around.
At the same time the labels should always "go" with the symbol when it is moved. (Like with tags!)
Also if you copy such a cell labels should copy and keep anchor and association. (this is currently not the case)
Currently it is hard to place a couple of labels besides a cell. A label cell is inflexible. and when you drop it you loose the connection (you can not move around single properies labels)