Currently there is no way toassign constraints to arrays of elements. It would be very useful to be able to dynamically control an array via it's host element and parametric constraints. Example: A parametric cell of handrail;when the handrail alignment curve is increased in length additional stanchions are placed.
Thanks Ed. I will be closing this ideas "Already Exists" as there is one already to add variables support to the array/copy/move commands.
Edward Ashbolt 10 months ago in reply toMarco Salino
Thanks Marco this is great! I wasn't aware of this tool; the standard array command is unfortunately lacking any parametric constraint capabilities:
It would be great if the same logic could be applied to the standard array command so that constraints can be applied to other elements such as smart solids & cells
Marco Salino 10 months ago
Hi Edward, you could try using the "Array feature" tool and check the "whole element" option. This won't array cell instances but whole parametric solids that can be then used as parametric cells