HI ,Navigator V8i is on it's way to be unsupported by end of this year. The next generation design view tool are "PlantSight" and "iTwin Desing Rewiew", both lacking support for a offline model viewing without internet."Navigator Connect Update 10 " was looked as extension of Navigator V8i but sounds like it is now discontinued.There are four Basic Requirement for a Design Review Tool, out of which two are already fulfilled by "Bentley View Connect", it would be really powerful tool if other were upgraded as well.And"Bentley Connect View" is the only tool which support a file based interface and not cloud based.As of today's date not a single tool from Bentley product can fulfil below requirement which Navigator V8i can handle with great ease.
Opening File as Read/Write [Required to be upgraded in Bentley Connect View]
Create Clip Volume.[Already supported in Bentley Connect View]
Save clip volume and saved views ,not just create it[Required to be upgraded in Bentley Connect View]
Able to upend new references.[Required to be upgraded in Bentley Connect View]
Offline Model Viewing.[Already supported in Bentley Connect View]
Though, not Bentley View CONNECT Edition, but in the latest MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 15.2, we have brought a lot of the reviewing tools together under the "Collaborate" Ribbon tab. You can find more information under the announcement located at the link below.
Hi Gerd, thank you for the feedback. I was going to mention the iTwin Services Ideas portal (https://itwin.ideas.aha.io/), but I can see you already commented on a "planned" idea there around 2D workflows. I will reach out internally to assess the timeline for that feature and get back to you.
On item 4 of your list, we will soon have good news. MicroStation Update 15.2 will include a workflow around that topic, so I'm making a note to share the release announcement here once available.
Best regards,
Eduardo L
Hi Eduardo,
iTwin Design Review is
1. not really fully working (in my view)
2. I does not allow to edit Sheet models (2D) properly
3. It is not working offline
4. How do you reference markups (issues) back into microStation et.al.?
Hello Vivek, thank you very much for the idea. These functions are now available in iTwin Design Review: https://www.bentley.com/en/products/product-line/digital-twins/itwin-design-review.