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My ideas

Showing 1006

Automatic Rebar Pullout Pictures in Proconcrete

I think it will be very useful to develop a function that allows automatic extraction of the reinforcement shape with dimensions and description next to the drawing. Something similar to bend shape of rebar created in schedule generator but as 2d ...
almost 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Needs review

Add Additional Custom Folders when Creating WorkSets

I would like the ability to add more folders at the time of WorkSet creation using a WorkSet template. This would allow creating our entire folder structure for a new project. Currently MS/ORD only creates the dgn, out, and Standards folders (and ...
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Disable Window Ghosting by Default

By default, Microstation suffers from "Not Responding" Windows messages when undertaking long processes (even more so in PowerPlatform products like ORD). This gives many users the impression the software has crashed and they shutdown the session....
almost 3 years ago in General 2 Needs review

Ability to see and change ProjectWise Reference Versions inside Microstation like Design History

Currently ProjectWise documents does not display any ProjectWise version info in the Reference dialog and makes it difficult to clearly identify what version is being used and a simple internal mechanism to change versions. We regularly want to co...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Projectwise Integrated Reference Dialog

Currently ProjectWise documents are displayed with local paths (and variables) in the Reference dialog that is useless to users and makes it difficult to clearly identify where the document is stored on ProjectWise. Having a more polished integrat...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Mismatch on Manage Configuration Name

When you change the name of the Managed configuration, the mismatch alert will not find the new name and find the correct workspace and workset, even if the original workspace and workset exist in the new managed configuration. The file was opened...
12 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Add Line Style Scale to Display Style Dialog

MicroStation display styles can change element color, weight, and line style. However, there is not an option to change the line style scale factor. Our CADD standards use a custom line scale factor other than 1.0. We are requesting an enhancement...
12 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Create a tool to help us find which GEO library to use

The GEO location tools is amazing. However, there are many many libraries per region to select from. We need some sort of tool/helper to know which library is best suited. I know this may be hard, in the UK there are numerous, in France x that by ...
12 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Add the ability to compute (+-*/) 2 or more Item Type results from different elements in the report.

Add the ability to compute (+-*/) 2 or more Item Type results from different elements that share a similar item type result to a report.
almost 2 years ago in  2 Needs review

Show element fill colour in Cached representation

I'm an OBD user but I have been told that this behaviour/functionality is inherited from Microstation, so I post this idea here. When creating a drawing - I use the "Drawing production" tools from OBD - there is a big difference in behaviour for c...
almost 3 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review