CTRL+H is used to replace text in a plethora of software packages that have text in them. Like Word, Excel, even Notepad. Please add this into Microstation as well. Or allow users to add this to the interface.
Picklists: Can a Picklist have a description as well as a name?
It would be useful, when managing Picklists, for a Picklist to have a description as well as a name.For example, a Picklist named "Door Furniture" might be described "Assign this Picklist to Item Type 'Door' property 'fittings'."
Fields are used to report and annotate File, Model, Cell, Element Properties. It would be good to be able to support the use of expressions so the information extracted can be manipulated or used to calculate / derive other values.Possible uses: W...
MicroStation allows text to be justified in several ways. However, those abilities do not include decimal justification. MicroStation CONNECT includes Tables. Wouldn't it be great to have a decimal alignment option similar to Microsoft Excel and W...
I can easily see if a file does or doesn't have a Geographic Coordinate System assigned. However, I need to open the GCS dialog to see which system is assigned or to change it. I suggest: hovering the mouse over the GCS icon displays the assigned ...
about 2 months ago
in General
Future consideration
While I agree that registering one time to download a version of free software from a website is not uncommon. Linking to a remote website or the checking out of time constrained licenses every time you use the software is definitely NOT common. I...
Can we have an option to allow users the ability to import a 'Display Style' from another file. We have the option for Display Rules, but not Display Styles. Ian Lapper
Similar to creating patterned areas by points, it would be great if we can create an area, especially if a side (or sides) of the area has curves, with a predefined pattern, distances, &/or angles are automatically filled once the area is clos...
There are so many ideas “in the pipe”. Is it too prudent to ask if it would be possible to commit to the active user base and boost the processes? (I guess we are longanimous or rather too silently impatient) That relates to the timeframe ideas ar...
In V8i, there was a leader setting that could underline the last line of text in a note. This was VERY useful, and could be manipulated to place the underline (delimiter) under any line we wanted. It wasn't as great as a style that could, say, und...