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My ideas: Visualization

Showing 36

iTwin support for Microstation light sources

We have a strong need for iTwin to support Microstation light sources. We are using this for line of site studies and need a way to display the sources in a web viewer.
8 months ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Display Rule for Raster Attachments

Hello Bentley, Idea is for Display Rule for Raster Attachments. I would like to have a rule for whenever I attach a monochrome or single channel raster image to always display a certain way. For example, I would like some rules options to make...
11 months ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Solar Shadow time Slider

With Display style Illustration > Shadow it is possible to see the shadow that has been set in the Solar settings in the Lightmanager. But the shadow is by default very black, you can not see objects which are in shade. I found a solution for t...
9 months ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Add a plug in for Enscape

Hi Support We are seeing a lot of Bentley users opt to work away from MicroStation and use applications such as Rhino. the main reason for this is the rendering tool called Enscape. I know you have LumenRT but this retails at £3500 + whereas Ensca...
almost 2 years ago in Visualization 2 Needs review

Apply a Displayset to a specific view

We are looking for an option to apply a Displayset to a specific view. The Displayset should be able to be associated with a specific view to allow a specific display per view. There has been a tool offering this functionality in the pa...
almost 2 years ago in Visualization 1 Needs review

Display Rule Legend

Could the option for an on-screen display of a Legend be added to Display Styles : Display Rules. This would mimic the functionality of the Thematic Display legend but use the Display Rule criteria list as the Legend's content/list. This might mea...
over 2 years ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Named Boundary Level

Platform needs same functionality as ORD when it comes to Named Boundary Levels. Creating sheet seeds from Microstation's Place Named Boundary uses the active level unlike the civil sheet seeds that uses the level that the named boundary is on in ...
over 2 years ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Distribuited Render on VUE

Hello,I request that the distributed rendering also works with VUE, saving the file in the OUT folder for Relighting and NPR
over 3 years ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

Enable Bing Maps as drape material

We can currently make drape materials from any image that is imported in the raster manager. Through raster manager we can also attach a Geolocated BING map background. Please allow this map to be assigned as the drape material to enable draping o...
about 3 years ago in Visualization 0 Needs review

STM with Raster in Bentley View

I wish to view an STM (Scalable Terrain Model) file outside of ContextCapture Editor. I was able to create a DGN with an attachment of the STM in - it is displayed correctly. Once I have added a Raster Draping to the STM and set it to be displ...
over 1 year ago in Visualization 0 Needs review