When you are measuring a surface or a volume (in the metric system) the general rule is to add an exponant 2 (surface) or an exponant 3 (volume) to the unit you are using.
In MicroStation (and all related software) when you are measuring a surface the tool displays the value folowed by "sq. meter" (an "cu. meter" for volume)
You have a well hidden configuration variable to change that : MS_MEASURE_AREA_UNIT2
When you set it to 1, the surface are measured in "m2" and the volume in "m3".
It will be better to have "m²" or "m³" instead or to have another value for this variable ("2" for instance) saying you whish exponant.
MS_MEASURE_AREA_UNIT2 = 1 --> m2, m3
MS_MEASURE_AREA_UNIT2 = 2 --> m², m³
It will be interresting to unhide this variable.
Many thanks !
Microstation is unicode and even ASCII has such characters under Alt+0178 and Alt+0179. This should be safe to use.