In many cad products there is a navigation cube (in the upper right corner of the view?) that visualizes the rotation and allows you to rotate your view. You then can click on the Top or Sides of the cube and the view rotates accordingly.
Such an "object" is always present and visible from "the corner of the eye".It is a much more "intutive" way get the right orientation.
It even should represent the current ACS.
and there is still the "dialog viewrotation" of old. But that is quite cumbersome
I mostly prefer only one view to move around. I use Shift+middle-mouse-button to rotate. I have the View Controls Toolbox docked to select predefined orientation. But still the navigation cube is attractive as it is a quite intuitive tool.
Good Point (the iModel Viewer having the navigation cube) Here an interesting old thread about the issue
Since this cube exists in the iModel viewer already, I don't expect any copyright issues to implement it in Microstation as well ...
As good as the navigation cube is in competing products like Revit and AutoCAD, it might be copyright infringement if Bentley was to copy it. Have you tried the <Shift>+right-click menu?
Maybe the "ACS-Triad" (in View Attributes) could be further "evolved" to allow this functionality
In OBD I am a very happy user of the screen menu with top/side/front/... orientation. I was so much used to it that when trying out ProStructures I copied that screen menu from OBD.
It's much more convenient than the default "view rotation" toolbox.
I agree that this can be extended/improved even more by adding such a navigation cube, that would also allow to rotate the model with only the mouse commands (which is useful in a phone call).
Additional benefit, it would also show how the current view position's orientation is related to front/left/right. Sometimes it's not entirely clear from the view itself, in case of symmetrical geometry.