The current ability to create a cell with text fields that report the placed instance of that cell's own XYZ coordinates in a design is REALLY useful.
However, it only seems to work relative to the active model's fundamental origin XY=0,0,0
Please can we get an option to also report other coordinates. eg. the coordinates of the Geographic Coordinate system's Northing/Eastings or Lat/long or XYZ if it is available in a model.
Currently (unless I am just ignorant) there is no sane way to place spot coordinates using MicroStation where a file has geocoordinates with some Helmert transfom going on.
OBD has some functionality in it's label tool, but seeing as Geographic Coordinates are a basic MicroStation function there should be way to dimension/report those in MicroStation.
I am looking at what the competing application has in term or reporting internal (file) coordinates, base (World / GO=) coordinates, shared (geoographic) coordinates.
Sadly the XYZ annotation tool is not up to the job.
There should also be a way to report using the coordinates of an attached model. NB: most annotation is done in the Sheet Model, not the Drawing Model... so 2+ nesting levels needs to be accommodated.