We recently updated to 2024 from V8i and noticed that when attaching a reference, it does not highlight the reference as active in the reference dialog, which it did in V8i. This makes finding the most recent attached reference very difficult in the list of dozens of references in the ref dialog. Please re-add this feature, or advise on a config or setting to make the reference selected/hilited immediately after attaching?
Bentley support directed me to submit to Ideas Portal to have this feature re-enabled like it was in V8i SS10. They said it's currently not possible to make the attached reference selected/hilited immediately after attaching in 2024. Their quote:
"For now the best recommendation would be to enable the "Slot" column in the reference dialog. By default when adding a new reference the slot number assigned is the highest, ie if you have 4 references and add a new reference it will be assigned slot 5.
There will be issues if you remove references or manually assign numbers as the assigned slot will be the highest open slot if no open slot is open then a new slot is created and it is assigned to the reference."
Using "Slot" really isn't a solution, like they said above if any previous ref is detached and frees up a slot, we still have to hunt around and can't sort by slot.