In Reference Manager, create a new toggle that can be applied to a reference file that designates that a reference is a composition model so that the composition model level control is never broken unless toggled OFF.
Toggle ON = force level override control from the composition file and do not allow level overrides to the composition reference file in the sheet file
Toggle OFF = allow the composition reference to have level override control but also allow level overrides to the reference in the sheet file retaining the normal MicroStation behavior.
The issue is when a composition file is used to manage level overrides for hundreds of sheets and someone makes a level change to that composition reference attachment in the sheet file, the composition file no longer has the ability to control the level overrides in the sheet file. If a toggle existed that basically did not allow the level changes to the composition reference file, this would assist in reducing a lot of hours of reference management rework to resolve this issue. This toggle would be applied to the composition model and be applied to all nested references attached to the composition file.
This toggle would also force a sync of the level overrides to the composition file in the event it was not turned on. This scenario would be I attach the composition file, make level override changes in the sheet file, but then need to sync it back to the composition file allowing the composition file to retain control over the level overrides and throwing out any overrides applied to the composition model in the sheet file. This is similar to the sync with saved view but in the event that saved views were not used, this would be extremely useful to reset the files and save hours of work.
An alternate solution would be a keyin to reset the level override control back to the composition file.