Hello Bentley,
We already have some configuration for backup but perhaps an additional option might be necessary to silo the backup to a distinct path if the user wants to.
The existing configuration variables I am aware of is:
MS_DGNAUTOSAVE = 1800 # -> in seconds [30 minutes] -> Autosaves over the active DGN file
MS_BACKUP = $(HOMEDRIVE)$(HOMEPATH) # -> Backup path used by the 'Backup' KeyIn command
Perhaps a third variable to point the DGN backup away from updating the active file and to a distinct file whilst taking advantage of the existing configuration variables.
We have an autosave increment, and a backup path but would it be beneficial to have a configuration switch that can use the autosave instead of waiting for a manual command / KeyIn?
UNDEFINED OR '=0' means no change,
=1 means send the backup DGN automatically to the MS_BACKUP path with DGN extension,
=2 means send the backup DGN automatically to the MS_BACKUP path but with .BAK file extension.
This option 2 would silo the user initiated manually backed up DGN file from the automatic backup file based on the file extension. [this might be a thing for some people]