Hello Bentley,
It would be nice for the install Wizard/Deployment Option if we had an option to include/point to some Seed Files/data sets during installation into an Organisation Level WorkSpace/Standards.
Seed Files/Standards Folder could include a preset folders of resources like Cells/plot sets/DGNLib/fonts/seeds. This folder, containing subfolders of resources can be deployed at selected Levels like Org/WorkSpace/WorkSet/Role/User levels for custom installs.
Second part is to have selected UCF/UPF Seed files that are preconfigured or carried over from previous builds. A UPF can be converted to 'SPF' in which case any existing embedded paths are reassigned to the local user install and WorkSpace paths.
With this, we can set up User Preferences for everyone by default instead of editing each one locally. Likewise, the Personal.ucf can be preconfigured with application settings and configuration.