Mstn 2024 will apparaently have an option to save directly to an imodel, in addition to .dgn.
It would be great to be able to able to switch between dgn and imodel in the Ref dialog, in order to take advantage of any benefits that imodels can provide.
imodels could be configured to automatically convert complex solids geometry in a light weight format like meshes. This will help reduce load times. The user would switch to the dgn version when necessary.
imodel packages load quicker compared to nested Ref attachments.
imodels can be subject to filtering, partial loading to speed things up?
imodels can have vertical-specific attribute data converted into items formats.
imodels, itwins are the only way to get external formats like .rvt and nws into Mstn.
imodels can be used to store snapshots of previous versions of the 3d model