I thought this Idea already existed, but can't find it. So if it's a duplicate please delete this one.
When changing Item Type definition in a dgnlib, it does not seem to be possible to overwrite it in the active DGN. For any other library element it is possible (display styles, layers, text/dim styles, ...).
There is an indication that the Item Type is different from the library definition. But the button to "Reset" or "Update from Library", like it exists in other windows, is missing for Item Types.
@Tamicca, you are completely correct! I don't know how I missed those buttons earlier today.
I did try with right-click on the item type, then "Update from library" isn't in the context-menu. Which is available in the text-style window. So I'm afraid I jumped to conclusions too soon.
Please remove this idea, since it doesn't make any sense at all.
Hi Johan,
We have both Reset and Update from Library buttons in the Item Types dialog. https://docs.bentley.com/LiveContent/web/MicroStation%20Help-v24/en/ItemTypes.html

Are you saying they're not working as expected?