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Status Needs review
Categories General
Created by Guest
Created on May 8, 2023


For AutoCAD there is a tool called Cadalyst. Something similar for MicroStation and related would be very appreciated.

Since we moved to Azure platform users are experiencing all kinds of (latency related) problems.

Although we have done a lot of tweaking, like firewall location, faster storage and express route, half of the users are still complaining about the performance of CE. V8i doesn’t seem to have any kind of problems, so we don’t have a very strong case in forcing people to use CE instead.

Instead of working with the users ‘feelings’, it would be better if things like disk io (cells, dgnlibs), network usage, screen buildup time could be actually timed.


We would like to have a benchmarktool again

We would like to use it for trouble shooting on our IT infrastructure in case of slow performance experiences whith Benley applications.
almost 2 years ago in Visualization 1 Needs review