The hole feature is very handy for quickly placing holes and includes options for counter bore and counter sync holes but not slots. Slots are far more common then counter bores and counter syncs so having a slot option would be very handy. Of course this can/could be done with variations and 2D parametric cells but it's more time consuming to punch slots this way having to click the profile then click cut part by profile and repeat that step for dozens of slot profiles.
Along with this if we could have a pick list (library defined?) for pre-set values would also be very handy having to get out a chart/table to figure out what size counter boreI need for a SAE washer and hex bolt vs a socket head cap screwisn't hard but it would stream line the process if as an organization we could pre-define some standard values for a range of fasteners. This would apply to normal holes, counter bores, counter syncs and slots. A pick list/variation option for each would be handy.