For various reasons, vector-based output has not kept up with Mstn's DVs, transparency and other display styles available on screen.
This has resulted in the need to 'rasterise' the drawings when printing. A limitation that has persisted since DVs were introduced in V8i SS3.
Apart from the slowness, the rasterised pdfs are also 'dumber' than the old vectorised output as the text and other info in the drawings can not be subject to search.
I am beginning to think that it would be good to enhance the pdf print driver to allow some of the less problematic parts of the Sheet file to be printed as vector-based pdf elements and combined with the raster-based graphics provided by the DVs.
The drawing frame / title block could be vector. And all the annotation / dimensions in the Sheet model. Any CAD geomtery in wireframe or legacy hidden line mode would be vector-mode as well.
Maybe there should be a flag for each Ref attachment?
Hello, thank you for the idea. This is something we will consider for the future.
The same with ability to plot with rasterized off, drawings with ORD corridor meshes (in 3d model) attached. Plotting corridor mesh materials probably would be too difficult to implement but at least plot as fill defined by level colour and possibly with transparency similar to settings achieved in pen table files (tbl) for shapes and complex shapes.
Not sure if the suggested solution would be the best solution, but it could be a step forward at least!
I'm struggling at the moment with a drawing that has some references in Wireframe and some with Filled Hidden Line. The only way to print the "Fill" to PDF is to rasterize. But why should that be necessary??! I get it that when doing some fancy renders, 3D views, textures, ... they need to be rasterized. But a simple single-colour fill? Why can't it be generated as a vector too?