Driving Rain Rose: Anyone come across this before?
Wind roses are pretty common. They usually have wind direction, wind speed, duration and time of year info tabulated.
Precipitation charts are also pretty common. They tabulate precipitation, duration and time of year info.
Should be straight forward to mash up the data to produce a Driving Rain Rose spreadsheet.
This could then be used as means to provide a 'Driving Rain' Display Style. Mstn's insolation and slope display styles have proved incredibly useful.
A DR Display Style would be great for informing the location and design of louvres and overhangs (a key consideration for station design where wet floors are a big big problem). More importantly, exposure to driving rain is a major determinant for the durability of the building enclosure and room environmental comfort, as recognised by ASHRAE160P.
The Display Style would 'paint' the external envelope with a gradient map (similar to the way the Insolation / Solar Analysis tool works).
This kind of tools would be particularly useful when you can not fall back on expensive / advanced cladding techniques and have to be 'smart' and responsive...