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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2021

"Universal Translator" Display Style

Most if not all major engineering houses have globally distributed teams that have to work on projects all over the world. Your typical Western engineering partner may be English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese speaking... but have engineering back offices in India, Vietnam, Philippines, Turkey etc etc. I understand all jobs in China have to be executed by a local design institute.
It would be helpful to have a UT Display Style that would scan and 'over-print' the text based a translated equivalent. There seems to be a lot of very powerful frameworks available these days. A project term could use one of these translation tools (Microsoft Office-based?) and modify it to align with their specific domain / project requirements.
On display, Mstn would scan and replace, and when the user hovers over the text long enough the orginal text would be tool-tipped.
The user should also be able to use the DS before sharing the model / file to manually check the translation.
Maybe the translation could be stored with the file as a hidden Item Type (multiple languages=multiple records). A master dictionary could be store in a dgnlib?
Could be useful for Imodel 2.0 scenarios where an even large audience would be the norm..?