Transfered from EAP Ideas list
It would be good to be able to edit Multilines / Linestyles in place, and not have to go through a separate dialog.
Say you have a Multiline or Linsetyle to show a drylined wall. Two parallel lines offet at 12.5mm + a C-stud at say 600mm centres. And you need to change it to something with say 15mm offsets (thicker wallboards).
Instead of going back to the editor, you should be able to right-click on the Multiline and go 'Edit'. The Multiline would sprout handles and dimensions like the new constrained elements do. Addtional glyph for 'Save to Library'?
When the user is done, the Multiline/Linestyle tool checks if there is an identical Style in which case no update is necessary, but if there is a similar one, then it would save the new Multi/-line Style to the library.
This would be a great feather in Mstn's cap. Linestyles are a lot faster than cell arrays. Edit in place would allow the user to maximise the use of Mutiline/Linestyles as edge cases will be far more easy to deal with. Is the lamp post spacing different here and here? Make a break in the line and modify the smaller 'deviant' line segment accordingly to deal with the 'one-off' case.
And it would reduce the need to use offset and trim constraints for everything... which will have scalability issues at some point.