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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2021

Clash Detection 2.0 - CD By Selected Element

I note that Mstn CE does not have the Clash Detection Tools available in V8i... yet?
1. Could the dev team please include an option to define a 'Active Selection' Criteria so that the user can assign a selection or even a single element to Set A (or B).
2. It also be helpful if there was an 'eye dropper' tool that allowed the user to set the Level, Refs, Item Sets/NamedGroups criteria by selecting an element or a collection of elements.
Bentley has been ahead of the game by including CD tools are part of the authoring app (I guess Autodesk wanted more people to buy a separate app for CD). But, CD is still a pretty prickly problem. It would be good to provide tools to help the user clash detect as he models, and not wait until the periodic CD sessions.
Providing a CD by Selected Element(s) would facilitate this by allowing the user to make his mods, select the modified element(s)... run a quick clash detection, and fix any clashes at source. Thereby avoiding a problematic build up of problems later.
For example, building assemblies or groups of elements then copying them is a pretty common task. It would be good to be able to quickly check for clashes before multiplying the group or assembly all over the model. Users model things on the fly all the time, group them using Ctrl-G or make Cells or Named Groups before copying them elsewhere... then ungroup them to adapt the grouped elements. Lots of opportunity for errors and clashes.