Need to update Save Settings On Exit Can be Workspace/Other Workspace/No Workspace dependency. If enabled, then the save settings can be dependent upon the workspace or user. If opening my own content, my first option is preserved. If opening anot...
It would be nice if any distance values that can hold data had an option to measure the distance and input the value directly. For example the chamfer tool might provide a means to click a ruler (activate the normal linear measure tool) after meas...
Ability to drop all types of Detailing Symbol annotations
Submitted on Thu, Oct 8 2020 CE U 14 I propose the ability to be able to drop all detailing symbol annotations. Currently it is not possible with just the drop tool. Workflow: Start Drop tool Select Detailing Symbol annotation Accept Outcome would...
Attaching nongraphic and parametric info to CAD elements is a key part of delivering and supporting data-centric / BIM workflows. Mstn's hallmark best-in-class Reference Attachment tool is a key differentiator that undepins the use of federated BI...
expose a choice for multiple configurations similar to workspace and workset
I have clients that have set up a complete configuration. This whole configuration is not able to be incorporated into our existing configuration and must remain separate. In order for this to function with our company, I rely on desktop icons to ...
almost 4 years ago
in General
Future consideration
It would be very useful to be able to reference note numbers in the text accompanying a leader (for example "See Note 4") so that if more notes are added later and the note number changes, the text accompanying the leader will change with it rathe...
about 3 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
We would like the options added to have the leader project from the Top and Bottom of the Note. The only option is Horizontal Attachment (Auto, Left, Right) We would like Vertical Attachment Added (Auto, Bottom, Top).
Would like to be able to add a Custom Property Item Type Array in an Element Template.
Would like to be able to add an Item Type Array in an Element Template. Add Item does not work in this dialog box like it does in the Properties dialog box.
provide windows file explorer dialog for export to 2D/3D
The export dialog boxes for "Export to 2D" and "Export to 3D" still use Windows NT 3.51 style dialog boxes. As a user I'd like to have the Windows integrated explorer ressources. This way I can easily access e.g. OneDrive, SharePoint and ProjectWi...