Ad a link to a the wikis in Communities from all sections in the help.Ad a link to a private wiki from all sections in the help. (by naming a URL in a a config variable)
Slotted Hole Feature & Hole feature pick list/variation list
The hole feature is very handy for quickly placing holes and includes options for counter bore and counter sync holes but not slots. Slots are far more common then counter bores and counter syncs so having a slot option would be very handy. Of cou...
about 4 years ago
in 3D Modeling
Future consideration
HelloCould we get to use Item-Type properties & expressions / Constraint Variables as inputs to drive the Offest, Scale & Rotation inputs of Reference Attachments?I am thinking of a scenario where you have sub models that are assembled sid...
about 4 years ago
in 3D Modeling
Future consideration
When making a render, in addition to informing the used render, and the resolution, which also shows the chosen environment, so that we can repeat a render later in the same conditions. Regards,Moisés.
Constraints should included in Cell when created. The Constraints are currently stripped out during the Cell creation process for both Graphic and Parametric Cell options.This makes it difficult to capture and re-use design intent.
about 4 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
Currently there does not appear to be a tool to constrain a Line, Circle etc to a Face of a Solid.It would be very useful to provide a tool to constrain the 2d Constraints solving plane associated with these elements to a user-selected Face.At the...
The way the Clip Volume handles/paddles work leaves a lot to be desired.It would be helpful to have the option to move the handle in user-defined increments. The current set up where the handles have potentially infinite increments leads to poor v...
about 4 years ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
This may need to be an option as I can see how the community may be split on this. The Hole Feature always makes the hole square to theenvironment if i have accudraw rotated at all the feature doesn't care. The classical way a hole was made was to...
about 4 years ago
in 3D Modeling
Future consideration
Hi,In V8i Solids there is a pyramid Solid tool. It is indeed available via toolbox legacy tools in CE but this request is to add that functionality also to the new parametric modeling tools in CE so when all legacy will be depreciated, we still ha...
about 4 years ago
in 3D Modeling
Will not implement
Add "use cell/shape properties" option to "Create Solids" tools on 2D Parametric Cells/Shapes
I find it odd that 2D parametric cells and shapes have the option to extrude, revolve, thicken, and extrude along path with/without the active attributes and that when not using active attributes the attributes default to more or less nothing, lin...