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My ideas

Showing 1690 of 1690

Create cell should be more clear

I have wasted 3 hours to understand the correct steps to create a cell.In AutoCAD is really more easy and clear. The command: Block opens a dialoog with the necessary buttons: to put the block's name, to select the entities, to pick the origin, et...
about 4 years ago in General 3 Planned

Calculate in field - Label coordinates (ACS-Values to be used in fields)

Fields are a great way to label elements but for coordinates you can only take the absolute values.On site we (and Ii guess everybody) use Floorplans for assembly. Imaginge you have a building with several floors. Each floor on another file so whe...
about 4 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Importing BCF file views into Saved Views

The building industry (buildingSMART) has introduced a means of communicating issues in multi-user models. This is a simple xml file accompanied by one or many pixel images. The xml contains a written description of the problem, the GUID of the ob...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Future consideration

Preview LUNITS INSUNITS before opening a DWG/DXF Files

sometimes AutoCAD user does not set correct values for LUNITS and especially INSUNITS, so if we open or referencing a DWG (with Desing Center Units is set) Microstation is scaling references or changing the units in a way that is not appropriate f...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

FME Import Functionality in Microstation

Include theFME Import functionality intoMicrostation to allowyou to import, manipulate and/or post changes to ESRI'sArcSDE Enterprise Geodatabase, File Geodatabasesandother spatial or non-spatial formats without the need for Bentley Map,Project wi...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Future consideration

Bring back Legacy Protrusion & Boss feature tools with Connect Parametric Modeling

The old protrusion tool was awesome for extruding profiles off solids but the new one doesn't offer a blind extrusion option to allow it's usage in this way. It seems to only work by extruding between or up topre-existing solids which severally li...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 1 Already exists

Solid bend ( shape bender )

There was long time ago i made something complicated with Solids. Now only simple things.Is this possible without Generative Components ?See video: 33:10 time and later 50:00 with balustrade.... Martin
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Future consideration

Improvements to 3d-pdfs

3d--pdfs are fantastic to use.Still I can see the following1- tool to adjust centre for rotation in the pdf2- hide (selected element) in view3- (stated earlier) list of Named Groups so when selected only the NG is visible.
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Add Height (Z) Offset for Array tools for 3D

Hello,For 3D modelling could the Array tools (both standard and parametric) be modified to include a Height (Z) offset value (Distance) to the existing the Row or Column inputs.I think this could be useful for creating stepped arrays with one oper...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 0 Planned

Active angle @ X deg. warning

A fairly constant complaint among users is placing a bunch of cells and modeling forgetting that active angle was set to 0.5 degrees or something other then 0. If the active angle is 45, 15 or even 5 degrees it can be obvious that it's not 0. Howe...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Future consideration