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Rendering plug-in

Ask external companiesto collaborate with Bentley anddevelop rendering plug-in's for microstation the same way they do for SketchUp orother platforms.For example corona renderer and v-ray plug-in would be great.
about 4 years ago in Visualization 3 Planned

Photomatch Enhancements

I would like to see the Photomatch tool improved in the following ways. Add a default option on the Photomatch dialog to adjust aspect ratio of view to match that of the photo being used. (Making sure the resulting view dimensions are not the resu...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 3 Planned

Save and Restore all Vue Render settings

The VUE render dialog will load and display options (lighting/atmosphere/render setup) that are defined in the default and user defined render.dgnlib file. The user must re-choose these options in each new session. I would like to have the ability...
almost 2 years ago in Visualization 12 Future consideration

Enable material level overrides in references

through level manager I can set materials to by level and overrides, but only to live files. please enable this to apply to references also.Additionally, a reference setting toggle to turn on/off applied materials would be very beneficial. as we a...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 2 Future consideration

Display Rule Condition Name & Descriptions

Display rules are awesome but it's a challenge to create a new rule with a bunch of conditions to drive standard drawings because this information has to be passed out to the team via email and training. Simply adding a description to the rule wou...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Low Poly Display Style

I would like to have an option to make a 3D view show as Low Poly, to boost performance on large or complex scenes. The current Fast Cells option (View Attributes) is just a No Poly display that really does enhance performance, but makes (only) ce...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

baking in 3D pdf.

Would be nice to have shadows baking into 3D pdf, as was previously possible with Ray Trace, and Particle Trace.
about 4 years ago in Visualization 3 Future consideration

Pattern 3d solids

Iwould like to be able to pattern 3d solids and maintain them as solids..Note:With Select Series, I could pattern 3d solids but it would turn them into surfaces.In Connect, It will not pattern them at all.Just a thought.
about 4 years ago in Visualization 1 Future consideration

Synchronised View Windows

Transfered from EAP Ideas listThe Ribbon stuff is all nice and all, but I hope that the dev team are not thinking... 'Phew, that's the pesky human interaction stuff out of the way... back to debugging, performance, assembly code, lovely hash table...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Improved preview window in Cell Library

A better preview window in the cell library dialog would help while selecting cells shading modesdynamic rotationzoom and pan
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling / Visualization 0 Future consideration